20 April 2009

Oh, come on

I understand the practice of "cleaning up" the language in certain movies so they can be aired on network television. However, why do they dub in such absurd phrases?

I didn't know that snakes were known for their monkey fighting skills.


Justin said...

Wow. And what is a "Monday to Friday Plane?"

Deb said...

Oh, come on Justin. A "Monday to Friday Plane" is one that doesn't fly on weekends...everyone knows that! ;-) This is great...I'm going to try to incorporate the term monkey fighting/fighters into my conversations.

Ellie Fish said...

The more I think about it (and I've thought about it probably way more than I should have) it sounds like an insult to working people. I mean, the phrase instantly brings to mind a regular work-week, something that would be considered pedestrian to Samuel Jackson's character. So, a "Monday-to-Friday" plane in his mind, is something low-rent, or common, and is just the kind of thing to be infested by monkey-fighting snakes. Now, I don't know what the alternative plane-type would be, but I'm fairly certain it wouldn't be infested with snakes. It would most likely be infested with something more exotic - like Montreal-flying macaws or money-flinging pandas.

Deb said...

It would definitely be the money-flinging pandas, if we're on the alternative flight to the low-rent, Monday-to-Friday plane. Not sure what the plane would be...maybe a Members' Franchaise plane? I'm sure I can come up with better, but that's all I've got right now.

Anonymous said...

This clip was featured on the Daily Show a few days ago, which means, Ellie, you're prescient! You called attention to this before John Stewart did! I will now have to read your blog daily to get the news that's too new and cutting-edge for the Daily Show. Good job!


Ellie Fish said...

Maybe if Jon were unemployed, he'd have more time spend on YouTube. And what are you doing watching Daily Show and reading my blog when you have a candidacy to study for?