08 November 2006

[This is actually from yesterday]

It’s been a soul-crushingly boring day. I spent two hours finishing a sample I started Sunday, the highlight of which was a piece of chironimid pupa. Then I spent the rest of my day cutting-and-pasting. Grad school really is just kindergarten for adults, isn’t it? I was calibrating the catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) values on some of my lakes with their forage fish population estimates. It sounds boring because it is. Thankfully, I leave early today and tomorrow’s only a half-day because I’m going to Vancouver.

I’ve been wanting to write about the Bill Bryson talk I attended last week. I’ve been unable to come up with anything interesting to write about (not that that usually stops me: see above). His presence is not what you would expect and he has the weirdest accent that is a combination of British and New England. He talks a bit fast, but when he reads he has a really nice speech rhythm. He was very funny and knew how to work the crowd. And he handled the stupid questions from the audience very well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is what I have to say about the Bill Bryson talk that we attended....He rocked!!
