I'm not an atheist anymore. I watched this YouTube clip and I saw the error of my ways. I had no idea that I disproved evolution just by making breakfast.
Not only am I a Believer now, but I'm going to start my own Church of Peanut Butter. It deserves to be worshiped as the miracle food that it is.
"The entire food industry of the world depends on the fact that evolution never happens." ha ha ha. I've never heard this proof-is-in-the-peanut-butter argument before, but I'm sure glad I've heard it, now.
The ignorance of scientists goes even further -- I refer you to The Onion for an overview of how Newton's Theory of Gravitation clearly has not taken God's constant physical interventions in earthly life into proper account, and how alternate theories should be discussed in school classrooms: "Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity with New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory".
- Oz
Intelligent falling - awesome.
I have to wonder if he has checked every jar of peanut butter in existance to prove his theory... maybe there was just no life in the jars that he opened...
Silly Kimm-my! There's no room for logic in this debate! It's a matter of faith. I truly believe that I will never find life in my peanut butter jar. Ergo, evolution is wrong.
I hope you aren't exposing my pseduo-nephew to this kind of heretical thought.
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