Hhm. Are you still reading? Okay, since I have your attention I'm going to take this moment to encourage everyone to buy a copy of Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog on DVD. It's a Joss Whedon brainchild, but a lot of it is the work of two other Whedons. Who knew the brothers Whedon were so wicked? They're like the Baldwin brothers - but with intelligence and talent. After you've watched the show and loved it, you must then watch Commentary! The Musical, a commentary track done entirely in song. It's hilarious. The best track on the commentary is Nathan Fillion's song Better (Than Neil) which, awesomely, features a shout-out to Kids In the Hall (and which is conveniently up on YouTube).
Anyway, if you like musicals, or Joss Whedon, or Joss Whedon musicals, you will not be disappointed.
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