05 June 2007

For the love of random

There’s a great sense of joy and relief in finally doing something you’ve been putting off, isn’t there? For example, I tend to put off dishes (because at some point in the last 12 months I’ve developed this inexplicable aversion to washing dishes) so that when I finally do wash them (generally, Sunday nights) I’m so happy afterwards. Not only can I see my counters again, but I know that I won’t have to wash any more dishes for a good seven days.

And while I’m on the subject of domestic things, does anyone else ever think about how futile grocery shopping is? I mean, you go through all the trouble of going to the store and buying food; the food gets eaten or goes bad and you have to go shopping again. It’s this never ending cycle and whenever I’m in line at the grocery store and I think about all the grocery store line-ups I have in my future... well, it’s a little depressing. Like when I walk to school in the mornings and I think about how many more times I’m going to make that walk. It’s possible that I might die of boredom someday between 82nd and 83rd Avenues.

In the continuing vein of being random….

I was reading through my copy of Legendre and Legendre and pulling out two-year old post-it note page-flags and one has “Sun Tzu” written on it. Why I jotted down the author of a war treatise on a post-it in a book on environmental modeling is beyond me.

In closing, I want to send friendly kick-in-the-butt reminders to Cricket and Annie to update their blogs already!


Annie said...

Okay I did it, I updated my blog. It was a lot more out of date than I realized. Doing the dishes once a week... come on dude ewww! I know the eww factor. The flatmate has the same propensity for the weekend dish washing, what would your mother say I'm sure she taught you better than that :)

Ellie Fish said...

Where do you think I get my housework aversion/apathy from? I know about the Ick Factor. Sometimes it gets to be too much (even for me) and I'll wash them on Saturday instead:)