I’m drawing a blank as to what I should work on next. I know there are many, many things I could work on, but I can’t think of any of them. The only remedy for such a situation is to do nothing until the answer comes to me.
I had another invertebrate-themed dream a few nights ago. In this one, President Bartlett (the fictional President from The West Wing) was helping me out in the lab. And in my dream it wasn’t the actor, it was the President, and I called him “Sir.” I gave him an easy sample to pick, because when the Leader of the Free World volunteers to help you in the lab you don’t give him some assy 6-hour sample, you know?
I’ve read a number of books lately and haven’t felt compelled to write reviews of them like I used to. They were all very good books, and I enjoyed them immensely, which makes my way of reviewing them particularly difficult. High on the list (and I mean that everyone should read these) are: Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner and The Girls by Lori Lanses.
Freakonomics makes you look at everything from a different prospective, and it’s ridiculously interesting for a book about math. One cool experience I had while reading the book: there was one part where he used a multiple regression and had to explain it for the broad audience of the book and I skipped the explanation because I already know what that is. The cumulative 20 months of stats training I’ve had in my post-secondary career has finally paid off!
The Girls was about conjoined twins. They were joined at the head. It was an amazing work of fiction. One thing I thought about a lot while reading the book was how those girls were never alone. The most solitude they ever had was when the other was asleep. The author had the potential to make it unnecessarily sentimental, and there was a while there I was worried about how it was going to end. I hate when good books have bad endings. However, I wasn’t disappointed and it had an unexpected (in a good way) ending.
Before I go, I want to send a shout out to Monica Estevez for tomorrow is her birthday. Happy Birthday Monica! I’m posting an awesome picture of you below, you look very bad ass.

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