26 June 2009
Don't h-h-h-hesitate
Things I love about this video:
1. Parts of it were filmed on compost collection day (you can see the green bins in the beginning and later on in the trailer park).
2. The double tape deck boom box and the ride past the minihomes .
3. The sidecar!
4. All the Nova Scotianess.
5. Joel Plaskett!
24 June 2009
Zombie Season
Oh, yes. It's not just Arctic zombies. No. It's arctic Nazi zombies. My mom thinks it looks awful. I think it looks awesome! She's more old-school when it comes to zombies, preferring the classic Romero versions to the modern remakes.
(Aside, I wonder how much CBAR funding we could get to do mark-recapture on artic zombies? Or SI? Or heavy metals? Oz, Justin, I feel a collaboration coming on...)
23 June 2009
Nothing new under the sun
Then, today, I came across two clips that prove how right we were. But, in this case, it's not movies, it's music. Both of the following clips are pretty sweet in their own right, and both do a really good job of illustrating a bunch of well-known and popular songs that are all, basically, the same song.
And, while we're on the topic of well-used themes, here's a video of Buffy kicking Edward Cullen's creepy-stalker-ass. (More than anything, that clip makes me want to watch the series again).
21 June 2009
Best description of the weather that can also double as a porn name
(Courtesy of Alej).
20 June 2009
Happy Birthday, Oz!

So, I've been thinking about what I should write for your birthday, and I'm drawing a complete blank! It's only 8:45am here, and I've already had two coffees, and I'm a little giddy from lack of sleep because I started work this week and my circadian rhythms are still set to "Unemployed." Writer's block sucks. Well, as my creative writing prof used to say, "When you get writer's block, distract your audience with a picture of Daniel Craig."

Okay, so I'll tell you what I did in my last few days of unemployment. My parents were in town, and we did a lot of touristy things, like taking the ferry over to Halifax and walking along the waterfront. The new thing this year is the painted dolphins. A few years ago they did the same thing with lobster. I think Toronto did it with Moose one year. I think it's a fundraiser, maybe? With the dolphins auctioned off after tourist season? Regardless, they're fun to look at:
15 June 2009
Thief of Time
My time at the cabin was a little buggy, and chilly - rightly so, given that it was late-May in northern Ontario. I spent most days within a five-foot radius of the fireplace. On nice days, I went down to the bridge and sat facing the wind (to keep away the bugs). On the worst day, the high was about 4oC, and it snowed. I've never been there for a snowstorm, so I went down to the bridge to fully experience it. I tried to take pictures, but they don't really show the snow, although they do get across the angry-looking water. I swear, there is snow in all the following pictures:
The cold and the fire made it prime conditions for copious reading. Have you ever spent an entire day reading? It's phenomenal, not something conducive to your cardio-vascular health, but such a great treat when you can get it. While at my cabin I finished Ahab's Wife (Sena Jeter Naslund), and read Little Dorrit (Charles Dickens). I had only read one Dickens before this (Great Expectations), and really didn't think much of it I think Little Dorrit has completely reversed my opinion of Dickens. I loved every page. It was one of those books that you get so immersed in that it becomes a part of your life, to the point where you almost grieve for it when it's over; you miss it that much. To get over my sadness, I started Mercy Among the Children (David Adams Richards). I finished that book after I got back to Nova Scotia. It was such a sad book, depressing, but it also filled me with anger and pity. And, yes, big surprise, it made me cry. Then, as if I wasn't sad enough, I had to go and read Columbine (Dave Cullen). My BFF loaned it to me with a disclaimer to the effect that it made her cry a lot, so I'd probably cry non-stop through the entire thing. It was such a fascinating book- everything I thought I knew about that tragedy was wrong. It made me cry, yes, but it also made me angry. I won't discuss it here - it would feel too much like gossip.
So, there you have it folks: my vacation and summer reading (so far) in one convenient post. Everyone should read those book and tell me what you think, or tell me what you're reading (I have a Comments option for a reason, people!)
Now I'm back in the land of NDP-leadership and hockey golden boys. It's good to be home!
13 June 2009
Hockey Wagons
It's all very cool - like some motivational sports movie. The greatest player since Gretzky (so they say) and he's, like, twelve, and is already Captain of the best team in the league, and is in Tim Horton's commercials and everything. Then he wins the Cup. And he grew up a few blocks from where I'm sitting. If you were in my place, you'd think it was cool too.
I'm so very glad Pittsburgh won. Not just for Sidney, but also because of my dislike for Redwings fans, that I've documented before. Take that, Motor City!
09 June 2009
I can live with this
For all my Albertan friends who are wondering what this feels like, I gotta say: pretty damn good. The PC lost seats! Imagine that!
08 June 2009
A moment of silence for the lightning tree
And, just to make this post even longer, I'll tell you that I was really sad when I saw these downed trees. One of the trees that came down was my favourite tree - it's was this tree:

It has a strip of bark missing that spirals down the tree. When I was a kid I told myself that the mark was made one day when a bear slid down it, using it like a fireman's pole. When I was older, I thought that maybe lightning had done it (we all called it "the lightning tree"), but I don't really know. It was such a distinct tree, and has always been there. RIP, lightning tree.