Wolverine was not a perfect movie; according to Rotten Tomatoe it suh-hucks. Sure, at times the timeline made no sense, and I'm still not clear on how he got the name Logan if his name was Jimmy Howlette, and I don't think all of it works as a prequel to the first X Men. And, yes, it was some heretofore undefined version of over-the-top - I mean, they have biological mutations, they're not magical! And, while a good deal of it was set in Canada, they filmed in New Zealand. Why? Also, at one point the Evil Army Generaly goes to Wolverine's place of work (he's a logger in the Rockies) and critisizes Wolverine's choice to "live in the prairies." Dude, look around you, you're on a freaking mountain! Did no one notice that and think to change the line?
Wolverine was, however, entertaining. It's Hugh Jackman, y'all. I'd gladly watch him read the phonebook for 2 hours (hee hee, he'd probably shred all the pages with his claws). The fight scenes were good, but would have been better if Wolverine were naked for all of them. I say that because he was naked in one fight scene, and then he hilariously ran away and jumped down a massive waterfall in the "Canadian Rockies." Then he streaked through a valley for awhile. So, I say again, a fun movie, if not a logical one.
As per some of the other X Men movies, there's a little scene after the credits. It's not vital to the story, but I liked it.
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