Back to Anne, as for the book itself, it actually is pretty great and I totally see why it's adored by millions of little girls across the world. I didn't read this book when I was younger, I think I tried but it didn't capture me. I think, had I kept reading, I would have loved it then. Anne really is an unique character, and the community she lives in seems so much more interesting than the one I grew up in. But, I think, had I read it then, I wouldn't have wanted to be Anne so much as I'd want her to be my friend. And, perhaps, had I read this book years ago, my disdain for PEI wouldn't be nearly as great as it currently is.
One thing that L.M. Montgomery is wonderfully adept at is describing nature. Her book The Blue Castle is one of my all-time favourite books, in-part because of her beautiful descriptions of Muskoka. She really is able to capture the way Muskoka looks and feels. I hadn't known, but that is a hallmark of hers, and all her books contain such evocative descriptions of nature, Anne included.
Also, and this has nothing to do with the book, but I love the symmetry - or maybe it's synergy - of reading a book with a character named Anne Shirley, when I was so recently commenting on the name of Shirley.
1 comment:
What? Blossom was on Bones? When? And how did I miss that?!
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