22 February 2011

Move over, Sir David Attenborough

There's a whole series of these on YouTube. It makes me wish I was still teaching, I'd totally love to play these instead of doing lab intros.

And, in honour of Cricket's recent induction into the 30 Club:


Live Baby Live***

 Halifax is hosting the Canada Games, and as part of the two weeks of games and such is a free concert series. It's at an outdoor venue, usually called Parade Square but renamed Celebration Square for the games. I missed Joel Plaskett last week, but I did catch Hey Rosetta! and Great Big Sea. The outdoor venue made for some long, cold nights. Because the shows were free, we expected big turn outs and got there an hour before the opening act went on. The first night we went was the worst: we were numb before the first act even went on. It was totally worth it, mind you. The second night we went, it was a bit warmer (and snowing). Getting there early ensured that we were nice and close to the stage. I love being close to the performers. I’d never been that close to someone who knows Russell Crowe before!
Spring is on the way. I say this based on the following evidence:

1. I didn't need my headlights when I drove to work this morning.

2. It's Rrrrroll Up the Rrrrrrim time!!

19 February 2011

Live Baby Live

 Halifax is hosting the Canada Games, and as part of the two weeks of games and such is a free concert series. It's at an outdoor venue, usually called Parade Square but renamed Celebration Square for the games. I missed Joel Plaskett last week, but I did catch Hey Rosetta! and Great Big Sea. The outdoor venue made for some long, cold nights. Because the shows were free, we expected big turn outs and got there an hour before the opening act went on. The first night we went was the worst: we were numb before the first act even went on. It was totally worth it, mind you. The second night we went, it was a bit warmer (and snowing). Getting there early ensured that we were nice and close to the stage. I love being close to the performers. I’d never been that close to someone who knows Russell Crowe before!

18 February 2011

Quote of the day (or, perhaps, yesterday) courtesy of the so-awesome-it's-inawesome Community:
"Me and Abed have an agreement. If one of us dies, we stage it to look like a suicide caused by the unjust cancellation of Firefly. We’re gonna get that show back on the air, buddy!"

13 February 2011

Editing is for Losers

I spent the weekend with my SiL and her sister at their Aunt's cabin near Windsor. It was a glorious weekend of woodstoves, spiked hot chocolate, and snow shoeing. 

Last night we played a hunting, fishing, and camping trivia game. It's basically a themed Trivial Pursuit, but with the board changed just enough to avoid copyright infringement lawsuits.

10 February 2011

Word Shark

I'm reading a funky book right now called The Raw Shark Texts. It's kind of a cross between Irvine Welsh and Jasper Fforde (take a second to picture that...). It plays with the text as part of the story. It's about a shark made up of thoughts that eats people's memories. At least, that's what I think it's about as I near the 100 page mark. I accidentally flipped ahead and saw this, and I had to share:

04 February 2011

I've been getting calls from someone claiming to be from Bell Aliant and offering me a free cell phone. It's totally bogus, but usually when I say I'm not interested, they hang up pretty quickly. Tonight the guy said, "Okay, thank you, Sweetheart. I love you. Happy Valentine's Day."

It was totally weird. And funny. 

WWF wants to give me hypothermia

17 February is WWF's National Sweater Day (shouldn't that be International Sweater Day?) and they encourage everyone to "turn down your thermostat by 3°C, and put on a fun sweater."

Let me tell you something, Mr. WWF: my apartment is usually at 5-10°C, and I don't think I can fit any more sweaters over the three I usually wear. I think I'm doing my part for the war on wasteful heating. My roommate and I deserve some sort of special award for martyrs, really.

03 February 2011

They cross their arms with conviction

I totally love Law & Order: UK. I don't watch the regular Law & Order, but this one takes place in London and everyone has accents, which is all I require from my lawyer and cop shows. Here's a primer for those of you that haven't seen the show:

I love the "they only walk by the river when the camera pans like this," part. (Alej - did you recognize that river walk?)

And, because I'm all about the clip collections, here's a novel recitation of the alphabet.