I'm so happy! I had this result in my research that I didn't want because it kind of goes against what I think is happening, and I've been trying to find a way to deal with it for
days. Finally, this morning, I figured out a way to explain it away. Not necessarily good science per
se, and my supervisor will probably write some comment to that effect when he reads this draft, but for now I'm happy. These types of things don't usually happen on Zero Bunny days.
New Topic.
I had a thought the other day, and given who I am it's a shock I didn't have this thought at least five years ago, but here it is: there aren't that many conservation-themed songs out there. (Of course, the thought I actually had was, "there are so few songs about the perils of overfishing." But I extrapolated so this post would appeal to a larger audience, namely people other than me).
But think about it, can you think of any? There are songs about how our society is crumbling, but are there any songs
about climate change? habitat destruction? Endangered species? And
Baby Beluga doesn't count because I don't think
Raffi had the (probably fireproof)
St. Lawrence population in mind when he wrote it.
So, here are some of the lyrics to the only conservation-themed song I can think of, which just happens to be about overfishing: The
Downeaster Alexa by Billy Joel.
"...And I go where the ocean is deep
There are giants out there in the canyons
And a good captain can't fall asleep
I've got bills to pay and children who need clothes
I know there's fish out there but where God only knows
They say these waters aren't what they used to be
But I've got people back on land who count on me
Now I drive my
Downeaster AlexaMore and more miles from shore every year
Since they tell me I can't sell no
stripersAnd there's no luck in
swordfishing here..."
Can anyone think of any other songs?